Have you been looking for ways to save money on your energy bill each month while remaining comfortable in your home or office? You may have found the solution you've been looking for. Price Jones LLC specializes in the installation of Ductless Mini-Split Systems from Mitsubishi Electric for residential, light commercial and new construction projects. These systems make your space more efficient, lower energy costs and increase comfort.
The technology behind Mitsubishi Electric Cooling & Heating systems is referred to as: mini-split, multi-split, split-ductless, split-zoning, and variable refrigerant flow. Mitsubishi Electric split-zoning technology is the primary method for conditioning spaces in homes and commercial building around the world. That's why Mitsubishi Electric introduced this technology into North America over 30 years ago.
What are you waiting for? Save money and increase comfort in your home or office with Price Jones LLC today!